"The cops have been arrived" is that correct sentence?

2012-04-05 8:51 pm

回答 (7)

2012-04-05 8:53 pm
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You could say in English either "The cops have arrived" or "The cops have been here."

You would likely say that they "have arrived" if their presence on the scene is a quite recent development. You would say that they "have been here" if they had been hanging about for a while or had come and then left already!
2017-01-16 4:09 pm
Has Arrived Or Have Arrived
2012-04-05 8:58 pm
The cops arrived.
2012-04-05 8:57 pm
No. That's wrong. It should be:
The cops have arrived.

Happy to help:)
2012-04-05 8:53 pm

The cops have arrived.
2012-04-05 8:52 pm
The cops have arrived.
2012-04-05 8:58 pm
'Have been' is used in Present Perfect Continuous tense. 'Arrived' is past tense. So they cannot be used together.

Like others said, it should either be "the cops have arrived" or "the cops have been here" depending on the situation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:57:49
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