Eng sentence structure

2012-04-04 1:31 am
I want to ask are the following two sentences correct in terms of meaning, grammar and sentence structure? Thank you!

1) "Have been yelled at, I yelled back to him."2) "Should not have the beer drunk, I now feel dizzy."

THX, but would you mind telling me whether they are correct in terms of sentence structure?

回答 (1)

2012-04-04 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
even though grammar is correct, the best usage and the expression of the meaning is also important.

My suggestions:

1. "He yelled at me, so I yelled back to him."

"I was being yelled at, (so) I yelled back to him"

2. "should not have drunk the beer, now I am feeling dizzy."

"am feeling" is stronger expressed than just "I feel" and is in continuous form.

2012-04-03 17:49:29 補充:
common usage is "have drunk the beer" but should not be "have the beer drunk"

2012-04-03 17:54:43 補充:
"should not have drunk the beer, I am feeling dizzy."

can omit the "now" to be concise and save number of words

2012-04-03 17:56:03 補充:
"shouldn't" can replace "should not" if it is in quotation mode.

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