園境師協會HKILA ppe

2012-04-04 1:14 am
我想問有無人有考過HKILA PPE?我本身做緊第2行,無受過正統ge landscape design.我見如果要入landscape哩行好多都要request HKILA PPE. 咁本身哩個EXAM係要TAKE左DEGREE先考得定係可以自修?

回答 (2)

2012-04-11 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
先要有Landscape Architecture degree / master 學歷, 畢業後, 有最少2年相關工作經驗 (要在一個園境師的supervise之下,因要簽Practical Training Record Sheet ), 並成為Associate Member 最1年,先可以考 Professional Practice Examination (PPE).考試分2部份,先要過筆試(50條m.c. + 5題long Qs. 共3.5小時),然後可考口試(英文,30分鐘),合格後,再工作1年(園林相關),便可申請成為’註冊園境師’.

Eligibility for admission to the PPE.
To be accepted as a candidate for taking the PPE an applicant must have:
(a) attained the age of 23,
(b) been a Associate Member of the HKILA for at least 12 months,
(c) an accredited academic qualification in Landscape Architecture (for details see the Accreditation Policy Paper),
(d) completed a minimum of two years approved professional practice experience in the field of Landscape Architecture, of which one year must have been undertaken within the Territory of Hong Kong immediately prior to taking the PPE and,
(e) submitted a Practical Training Record (PTR) covering the two years period described under (d).

http://www.hkila.com/ 按左下方’Publication’的icon

PPE Rules and Regulations

Reading List

PPE Information Sheet

P.S. HKILA 應為’香港園境師學會’.入行是不須要考PPE的,園境師己是行業中最高資歷.香港現時只有HKU有Degree及Master讀.
2012-04-04 7:09 am
佢有個Dr Ed Q&A Section
你去留個言, 會有專人覆你架~

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