
2012-04-03 8:18 pm
The Real Treasure
Act 1
(Alive, Sam and Molly are at a youth camp.They are taking in a treasure hunt organised by the camp instructor.)
Instructor : Welcome to the treasure hunt, everyone!You're probably wondering what the treasure is, aren't you?Well,here's a cule--'I have a head and a tail, but no legs.'
Sam : That's easy -- a coin!Is the treasure money?
Instructor : The answer is a coin.But is the treasure money?You'll have to find out at the end of the hunt.Here's a map of the camp.The clue for the location of the next clue is on it.Good luck! (hands the map to Molly)
Molly : (looking at the map) The clue is 'When you buy me, I'm black.When you use me, I'm red.When you throw me away.I'm grey.'
Sam : Simple!It's charcoal!
Alice : Where can we find charcoal?
Molly : The barbecue site!Let's go there!
(They run to the barbecue site and start looking for the next clue.)
Alice : (holding up a strip of paper)Found it! It was inside this barbecue pit.
Sam : Read it out.
Alice : ' Which room has the most stories?'
Molly : Um...the Reading Room -- it has lots of storybooks.
Sam : Well done, Molly.Let's go!
(As they are running, Sam trips over a branch and falls.)Sam : Ouch!(suddenly sees something under a bush)Hey, what's that?(picks up a dirty coin).
Molly : (glances at the coin)It's just a dollar coin.
Sam : (removing the dirt)No, it's not.I think it's made of gold.
Alice : Really?(grabs the coin)Maybe there's a real treasure around here...

1) At the beginning of the drama script, Alice, Sam and Molly are___
A) getting ready for a game, B) hiding a coin, C) looking for money, D) looking for a map

回答 (4)

2012-04-05 12:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) A the location of a map
2) C clues for places
3) D Alice and Sam
4) D stories
5) D by chance
2012-04-05 12:23 am
You are a bad children

2012-04-04 16:24:00 補充:
I am a bad children !!!!!!!!!
2012-04-04 6:21 am
2012-04-03 8:53 pm
The answer is A. Hope it can help you.^^
參考: your QUESTION

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