chem mc

2012-04-03 4:19 am
Which of the following compounds can produce an alkanol directly?

1. ethyl ethaonate

2. ethene

3. glucose

回答 (2)

2012-04-03 6:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
All of 1, 2 and 3 can produce alkanol (ethanol)directly.

1. Ethylethanoate produces ethanol in saponification (alkaline hydrolysis).

2. Ethene produces ethanol in catalytic hydration.
CH2=CH2 + H2­O → CH3CH2OH(H3PO4 as catalyst)

3. Glucose produces ethanol in fermentation.
C6­H12O6 → 2CH3CH2OH+ 2CO2 (enzyme from yeast as catalyst)
參考: andrew
2012-04-03 4:28 am
definitely 1 and 3 only

1. by hydrolysis
3. by fermentation
to get ethanol.

ethene is C2H2 does not have the oxygen for the -OH group.

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