
2012-04-02 4:26 pm
1. The teacher as well as his students are fond of playing soccer after school.

2. I have little trust in such a cunning salesperson like him.

3. At the gate has the man been waiting for 30 minutes.

4. After getting into a serious fight, the couple ended in divorce.

5. The hoodlum dashed toward me and kicked me at the stomach.

6. According to the expert's opinion, the new law is a good thing.


回答 (6)

2012-04-02 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. The teacher as well as his students are fond of playing soccer after school.
To use "as well as" to connect two subjects, the verb shall agree with the first subject, here it is "the teacher", so it shall use "is", not "are". However, this is NOT a common structure, it is better to place "as well as" after the main clause like:
The teacher is fond of playing soccer after school, as well as his students.

2. I have little trust in such a cunning salesperson like him.
It is better to use "such ... as" NOT "such ... like".

3. At the gate has the man been waiting for 30 minutes.
A reverse sentence ALONE is not a good way to express. It shall be part of another sentence, then it will be acceptable. If it is by itself, then you shall construct it the normal way like:
At the gate, the man has been waiting for 30 minutes.

4. After getting into a serious fight, the couple ended in divorce.
"The couple" CANNOT "end", it can only "divorce". Therefore, the right way shall be
the couple divorced (in the end).

5. The hoodlum dashed toward me and kicked me at the stomach.
"at" is ONLY used for on the surface. When someone kick, he or she can NOT kick ONTO the object, but "INTO" the object. Hence, you shall use " in the stomach".

6. According to the expert's opinion, the new law is a good thing.
law cannot use "thing" as a pronoun, you need to use "one", so it shall be
the new law is a good one.
If you want to use "thing", then you need to describe it like:
The new law is a good thing for people.

2012-04-02 10:39:51 補充:
"such like" can only be used TOGETHER as:

and such like (also and the like), for example:

There's a big sports hall for tennis and badminton and such like.

2012-04-02 13:33:05 補充:
If you really want to use "end" with "the couple", you use it:

The couple end the marriage in divorce.
參考: self
2012-04-05 6:58 am
6. 沒聽過 According to the expert's opinion

只聽過 According to the expert
或 In the expert's opinion
2012-04-02 9:57 pm
1. as well as 也是連接詞,等於and不是嗎?
以as well as 對等連接詞來連結二個名詞,動詞單、複數與第一個名詞一致(The teacher----- is)

2. like不也可以解釋成"像"嗎?
用such a cunning salesperson as + 子句,所以本句無誤

3. 地點放句首,本來就可以倒裝,所以本題似乎沒錯,但正確答案不是這句,表示它有錯.

4. end in"以...收場",可以加名詞,看來似乎沒錯,所以我實在看不出來.
the marriage(事物) ended in divorce,若本句改為the couple ended their marriage即可

5. "kick 人 at 部位",有這種用法吧? 例如 He grasped me at my collar.
the stomach胃屬於內臟,裏面器官,所以用in,介詞要知道其含義。如我們在車內可不可行動,比較get in the car, get on the bus就不同

6. According to the expert's opinion, the new law is a good thing.
其實一般用法為複合名詞expert opinion,嚴格講起來expert's opinion也沒錯,-------------

2012-04-02 13:59:14 補充:
複合名詞如book store,department store, tea pot--------
2012-04-02 5:53 pm
1. as well as 也是連接詞,等於and不是嗎?

2. like不也可以解釋成"像"嗎?

3. 地點放句首,本來就可以倒裝,所以本題似乎沒錯,但正確答案不是這句,表示它有錯.

4. end in"以...收場",可以加名詞,看來似乎沒錯,所以我實在看不出來.

5. "kick 人 at 部位",有這種用法吧? 例如 He grasped me at my collar.

6. 這題我也實在看不出來.


2012-04-02 14:13:57 補充:


2012-04-02 5:28 pm
1. The teacher as well as his students are fond of playing soccer after school. (and)
2. I have little trust in such a cunning salesperson like him. (as)
3. At the gate has the man been waiting for 30 minutes. (the man has)
4. After getting into a serious fight, the couple ended in divorce. (文法上似乎沒有錯,但用法改為the couple divorced較合適)
5. The hoodlum dashed toward me and kicked me at the stomach. (好像沒什麼文法問題,但在用句上,我會將and後面的句子改為kicked my stomach)
6. According to the expert's opinion, the new law is a good thing. (文法上沒問題,但用法表達可改為the new law is good for…表示對那方面是好的)
2012-04-02 4:54 pm

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