
2012-03-31 9:48 am
跪求英文勁既人幫幫手,,, 入唔入到睇依次
點解要簡New Zealand?
因為New Zealand有表姐照顧,家人比較放心
.加上New Zealand既人比較友善,而且喜歡New Zealand既環境,所以選擇左佢



真系幾急,,,,唔該見到既真係幫幫手,,,,,,, 阻你可能真係少少時間 thx!!!
(唔好google翻譯 plz... 因為對我好重要..)

回答 (4)

2012-04-04 7:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為New Zealand有表姐照顧,家人比較放心
.加上New Zealand既人比較友善,而且喜歡New Zealand既環境,所以選擇左佢

As my cousin will take care of me in New Zealand, it reassure my parents of which she can insure my safety. In addition, I do love the environment here/there and I believe people living here/there are nice. After a great deal of thoughts, I finally chosen to study in New Zealand.點解要簡依間學校?** here/there : 如果你係New Zealand interview 就用here, 係香港就用there.

加上我想以表哥做榜樣,所以簡左依間學校Another cousin of mine once studied in this school too, and he gave me a feedback that the teachers here teach the students whole-heartedly. What's more, he found his classmates were all friendly and he had a great time here. As my cousin is always a model of mine, I took his advice and chose to study in this college.

** 我有改到少少你個答案,
 原本係「他說學校的老師願意教導學生,同學亦比較友善 」,我就改左做「我表哥話呢度既老師都係全心全意咁教導學生既,而且佢覺得佢d同學全部都對佢好友善,佢係呢間學校有過好美好既時光」
 原本係「加上我想以表哥做榜樣,所以簡左依間學校 」,我改左做「我表哥一直都係我既榜樣,因此我就聽取佢既提議就揀左呢間學校啦」

2012-04-04 11:42:41 補充:
我個人覺得你第一題,點解要簡New Zealand 可以比多少少解釋,除左環境好,有人照顧之外可以講埋個d「學習如何獨立」、「令自己既英文技巧提升」、「學習他國文化」等等,總結就係 I believe that study in New Zealand will be a valuable experience for me.
參考: myself, myself
2012-04-01 10:15 pm
Point solution to be simple New Zealand?
New Zealand cousin to take care of the family more comfortable
Together with New Zealand not only friendly, but like New Zealand both theenvironment, so I chose the left Drainage
Point solution to be simple by schools?

Cousin had read in accordance with school, he said the school teacher willing toteach students
Copies will also be more friendly
Plus I want to do an example to cousin Jane left by the school
2012-03-31 11:21 pm
點解要簡New Zealand?
因為New Zealand有表姐照顧,家人比較放心
.加上New Zealand既人比較友善,而且喜歡New Zealand既環境,所以選擇左佢

As my elder cousin also lives in New Zealand. Therefore, my family would not be so worried about me if I have had the care of my cousin. Moreover, the environment and the people there seems to be nice, that's why I choose it.


My cousin is the alumini of your school. According to him, the teachers here put much efforts to teach the students, also, I believe the students here will be high-standarded with your tight criteria for choosing us. In addition, I treat my cousin as my role model. So I think your school is my right and the only choice.
2012-03-31 10:37 pm
because Cousin had read in accordance with school, he said the school teacher willing to teach students
Copies will also be more friendly
Plus I want to do an example to cousin Jane left by the school
參考: google

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