What does Confucius Analects 2.12 mean?

2012-03-30 7:31 pm
It states, "The Master said, "The accomplished scholar is not a utensil." Can any philosophy geniuses help me out on this. I was under the impression that we are all utensil's being used by the higher being who created us. Why would he state that we aren't utensils or vessels? I am just really confused. I would really appreciate it, Thanks!

Yes please elaborate further, is it kind of like when Christ says he looks to the humble to find his pleasure?? Or, am I still missing it?


Or is it because of their knowledge that they are unable to be taught, because they think they know it all. And the uneducated person, knows he knows nothing so he can do more because his mind is less clouded with bias? Therefor, he is able to be used, and the uneducated person is not?? I think I might be grasping it a little bit, but please tell me if I am misinterpreting it.

回答 (3)

2012-03-30 7:51 pm
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Those who truly have an education are not used. They cannot and will not ever be used as tools, because of their higher education.

Does that make sense, or should I elaborate further?
2017-02-21 9:55 am
What Does Utensil Mean
2014-03-22 2:40 pm
Actually, the quote is saying that a superior man is not only skilled on one area. Utensils have only one use; men do not. (There were no Swiss army knives in Confucius' time, hence the metaphor.)

One should always consult a book or person knowledgeable about Confucian thought instead of trying to interpret the Analects himself/herself. Confucius lived in an age very different from ours.

(The asker probably won't see this, but I wanted to post the answer in case anyone walks past. ^^)

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