關於英文Do / Have / Are 問題

2012-03-31 2:22 am
應該用we are not invade he / we have not invade he / we do not invade he
plz explaination ~ THZ~

回答 (6)

2012-03-31 5:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
現在完成式可以表達時間是從過往到現在的。而且,你所述的情況並沒有「指定的時間」,最恰當是用現在完成式 Present Perfect Tense。


have / has 加動詞的過去分詞 (past participle)。另外,動詞用“attack”會比“invade”好些:

2012-03-30 21:06:37 補充:
We have not attacked him.

2012-03-31 14:34:11 補充:
假如在句子或段落裡有說明時間,如所說明的時間是在過去,則使用 past tense。因為invade 或 attack 不能加一個變成反詞 negative,需要加上 did。句子便成:
We did not attack him yesterday.
We did not attack him last week.

We do not attack him today.

2012-03-31 14:34:26 補充:
Passive voice: 'be' 加 past participle。但如果用 passive voice,則主詞並非那動詞的執行者,所以主詞會是「他」。句子會變成:
He is not attacked by us.

2012-03-31 14:43:19 補充:
I have never heard about present participle tense.

I have only heard about verbs have present participle form and past participle form.

2012-04-08 14:10:35 補充:
Are you invading him? 都可以答: No, we haven't.

2012-04-10 3:42 pm
assault or violate are better translations for 侵犯(他).
Invade is used for invading a country, one's private space etc.
2012-04-09 9:59 am
其實如果唔知個問題,好難有 100% 概答案。但我估你意思係有一件事發生咗,你被人問或者想解釋"我們冇侵犯他"。因為你係回應果件事,而件事已經過咗去。所以你要用過去式。正確概講法係:We did not invade him

2012-04-08 4:07 pm
TOMING88應是誤將present perfect 打成 present participle.

2012-04-08 08:07:17 補充:
應該用什麼, 就要睇人家點樣問你嘞:

問: "是否你哋侵犯他 ?" ans: " We are not invade (he) him.=不是我們......."

"你哋有冇侵犯他 ?" " We have not invade (he) him.=我們沒有....."

" 你哋會否(企圖做)侵犯他" " We do not invade (he) him.=我們不會(做)....."

( 你怎麼連最基本的subject---object.都不分?? , 真是的!! )

2012-04-08 15:31:24 補充:
攪錯咗 we are not invade him.XXX

更 改為We are not invading him.

2012-04-08 15:40:08 補充:
攪錯咗We have not invade him.XXX 更改爲We have not invaded him.
2012-04-01 1:39 am
The three options are inappropriate.
A common problem exists in all the three options. "He" cannot be used as an object but "him" should be used.
1. We are not invade he
This sentence is grammatically wrong as two verbs "are" and "invade" exist in the same sentence.
2. We have not invade he
This sentence is grammatically wrong because a past participle should be used in present perfect tense so "invade" should be replaced by "invaded"
3. We do not invade he
This sentence is grammatically correct as long as "he" is replaced by "him". However, even if the pronoun is changed, I don't think this sentence is appropriate in expressing your meaning.
In fact, I believe that "We did not invade him" is the best sentence that can express your meaning as you are referring a past action that was completed. Therefore, simple past tense should be used.
2012-03-31 5:53 am
Have/ Are being used:-
We have not attacked him.(present participle tense)
We do not attack him(present tense)
We are not invader.(Present tense, usage "are")

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