Question for waves 1

2012-03-29 9:01 pm
Please let me know how to do more details. Thanks a lot!


By Q6, how come the equation?? Is it V = Vo e^(-t/T)?? t=0, e^0=1, so is it should be 1/2 = In2??? By Q7, why not is F?? please advise more details!

回答 (1)

2012-03-29 11:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
6. Time needed = 2.ln(2) s = 1.386 s

7. (A) Incorrect
(B) Incorrect
(C) The wave equation is not clearly shown, can't help !
(D) Correct
(E) Incorrect
(F) Incorrect

8. New wavelength = 589.3/1.52 nm = 387.7 nm

2012-03-30 00:22:57 補充:
Q6: V = Vo.exp(-t/2)
V/Vo = exp(-t/2)
1/2 =exp(-t/2)
ln(1/2) = -t/2
t = (-2).ln(1/2) = 2.ln(2)

2012-03-30 00:24:32 補充:
Q7: The light is incident NORMALLY onto the glass, there is no lateral displacement.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:49:32
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