
2012-03-29 6:50 pm
請幫忙翻譯為英文 ,想有禮貌些 , 謝謝 ,

公司銀行結餘現為 3000 , 基於需支付年費 4000及符合銀行最底存款高於 5000元的要求 , 現申請向母公司借款 10000.

回答 (6)

2012-03-29 11:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
English Translation
翻譯為英文 ,想有禮貌些.
公司銀行結餘現為 3000 , 基於需支付年費 4000及符合銀行最底存款高於 5000元的要求 ,現申請向母公司借款 10000.
The company's bank account balance is currently $3000. On the ground that the annual fee payable is $4000 and the required minimum deposit is $5000, we hereby request the parent company to grant us a loan of $10,000. Thank you.
2012-03-31 3:39 am
Company’s bank cash balance is three thousand. Because should pay year expense four thousand and comform to bank lowest deposit higher that five thousand needs.So apply for parent company borrow ten thousand now.
參考: ourself
2012-03-31 3:33 am
Company bank balance to 3,000, based on the
Pay an annual fee of 4,000 and meets the requirements of bank deposits higher than $ 5,000 at the end,
Apply to parent companies borrow $ 10,000.,Thank you.
2012-03-30 2:16 am
Co's bank balance=$3000.
Payment annual fees payable=$4000.
Minimum deposite=$5000.
Request loan from parent Co.=$6000 or $10,000.
參考: Google translation website.
2012-03-29 8:17 pm
The company and bank balances for 3000, based on
Required to pay an annual fee of 4000 and comply with the requirements of the bank bottom deposits is higher than 5000 yuan.

Hereby apply for the borrower to the parent company of 10000.
2012-03-29 7:11 pm
The company and bank balances for 3000. Based on
Required to pay an annual fee for 4000 and comply with the requirements of the bank lowest deposits is higher than 5000 yuan
Hereby apply for the borrower from the parent company to 10000.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:35:36
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