help! 英文文法問題

2012-03-29 6:14 am
At last night I guess I will be dead this time. But I'm not yet. Because my dad come back to home when the rope holding at beams and tighten my neck. Yes, while I'm suicide. On my mean begin lost before i remember my dad was so pale and he was cries my name. But at that moment I lost my mean. I cannot response him.


回答 (2)

2012-03-29 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
At Last night I guess I will be dead this time. But I'm not yet . Because my dad come back to home when the rope holding at beams and tighten my neck. Yes, while I'm suicide . On My mean lost when i remember my dad was so pale and he was cries my name. But at that moment I lost my mean. I cannot response him.

這段文字是你於昨晚經歷的, 所以需要用past tense. ***
"last night"前不需加上 "At" , "At" 只用於 "At night" etc.
而dead 只用於名詞和副詞, 你想表達的是[我認為我要死了] 還是[我認為我會死了]? 前者就是"I guess I was dying that time" 後者是"I guess I would died that time" 而 "this"應改成 "that" 因為事情已經過去, 你只是回想.
"come back to home" 是常人犯的一般錯誤, 應改成"back home" 或 "arrived home"
rope 和 holding 之間需加上動詞 "is" 改做 past tense " was"
"while I'm suicide" [我在自殺] 第一應先改成"while I was suicide" 然後再考慮是否改成continues "while I was suiciding " <- (這裡我覺得有點奇怪, 所以不太確定)***
"On my mean lost" 是否想表達[我的意圖消失]? 如是, 應該改為"My meaning was lost" 因為meaning 是死物, 不會自己消失, 是被動, 因此應轉成[be+p.p.] = [is / am /are + past participle] -> 轉tense "was lost"
"he was cries my name" 你的意思是[他在喊我的名字] , "was" 已是past tense 轉tense後應保持bare form , 但現在的是過去進行式, 應改成"he was crying my name"
"But at that moment"不用加"But" 因為Dad的叫喊使你失去自殺的意圖.
"At that moment I lost my meaning of suicide. " 後面清晰地表達出來比較好.
"I cannot response him" [我不能回答他]? 本人不太理解固中意思, 但可以轉tense改成" I couldn't response him"

大部份錯誤都在tenses 方面需多加注意, 其中有我無法解釋或不清楚的事情, 不好意思. 這只是我的理解, 有錯也請諒解, 謝謝.
參考: 自己
2012-03-29 8:52 am
Last night I guessed I might be dead . But I was not dead. Because my dad came back home when I used the rope hangng my neck at beams. Yes, I commited suicide. I had lost my mind before I remembered then I found my dad's face was so pale and he was crying my name. But at that moment I lost my mind again and I couldn't response to him.

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