lay off

2012-03-28 10:57 am
If the letter says the staff was laid off, is it good to the staff when he goes to interview? Does the words mean the staff was fired? Or does it mean the co. fire the staff because of other reasons but not the wrong-dong of the staff?

如果工作證明信寫員工是被'laid off', 是否會給人感覺不好? 會否給人覺得那人要走可能是客觀環境因素而不是那人做錯了什麼被炒?

my co give me letter and state : i am laid off & give me cheque for working for 4 years.I ask my manager to delete the words ' laid off', but he does not want to delete. do u think it will give bad impression with that letter?

回答 (2)

2012-04-07 7:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
lay off 答: LAID OFF, 在北美的地區上, 視為被辭退。 北美法規上是這樣: 對企業1.) 不能招聘填補LAID OFF員工的職位, 否則, 將會被檢控。2.) 當企業招募員工時, 曾LAID OFF員工, 會是首選。對員工1.) 根據勞工法例, 得到企業的遣散費; 一般而言, 是一年一周的工資; 以年薪5萬美元為例, 在機構工作10年, 即9,615美元(USD50,000 / 52 X 10)。2.) 得到失業保險金, 即EI (EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE)。 坦白說, 出外工作, 入職離職, 小事一件; 勞資合作, 合則來, 不合則去, 這不是終身制的合約。 LAID OFF? 不用介懷。
參考: 小魚槍手
2012-03-30 1:13 am
Same meaning as '' Fried" !

General speaking, would not consider this applicant when such wordings appeared.

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