澳大利亞TOLL公司 -搬屋

2012-03-28 8:22 pm
澳大利亞TOLL公司 -搬屋http://www.priceright.hk一、澳大利亞TOLL公司簡介  Toll擁有一百二十年歷史,是澳大利亞最大的運輸和物流供應商,Toll的服務范圍涉及公路,鐵路,航空和海運,以及倉儲,配送和搬運,是澳大利亞唯一的一體化完全物流供應商。隨著新技術和電子商務的興起,市場快速地向提供完整的物流解決方案的方向轉移,Toll偏重于電子商務的應用。  2006年12月,Toll公司宣布將現有業務一分為二。現在的公司保留Toll在澳大利亞、新西蘭和亞洲的物流業務和藍維珍航空持有的股份。計劃命名為基建公司的板塊由Toll的澳大利亞港口和裝卸資產、Patrick公司和鐵路貨運公司太平洋國家公司組成。二、公司歷史History  The Toll business was founded in 1888 by Albert Toll in Newcastle hauling coal with horse and cart. It became part of the Peko Wallsend Group in the 1960s when it transported goods associated with diversified mining and manufacturing activities.  In 1986 Toll was sold to a management buyout team led by current Managing Director Paul Little and former Chairman Peter Rowsthorn, and in 1993 Toll listed on the ASX.  Since listing on the ASX, Toll has progressively built and grown its unique logistics model in response to increasing customer demand for a complete end-to-end logistics solution, incorporating the critical components of operational expertise, scale, diversity of services and technology solutions.  Today, Toll is one of the Asian Region's leading providers of integrated logistics services. Toll's focused integrated logistics strategy, when combined with its seamless use of technology will continue to provide, enhanced supply chain efficiencies. This integrated customer service offering is sought after in the market place, globally.

TAG: 搬運 | 搬屋 | 搬屋公司 | 搬運公司 | 搬屋服務 | 搬運服務

回答 (2)

2013-12-21 3:43 am
艾爾日韓美瞳批發廠商真的不錯唷,正品, 超讚。 他們的line是:airmt

2013-11-10 3:31 am
以上文章來自 http://080.paf.com.tw/index.html

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