2012-03-28 4:38 am
我想問N of N 後面個N洗唔洗s
例如there are rules of school有冇錯gramma
定係要there are rules of schools / rules of a school

回答 (3)

2012-03-28 9:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are rules for/in schools.
There are rules for/in a school.
Each school has its own rules.
Schools have their own rules.

2012-03-28 13:53:32 補充:
Plural Noun

N of N 後面個N洗唔洗s
x (noun) of y (noun), x是複數時,後面個y如果是可數(countable)的,通常要加s。例如一間間的school(學校),好像:thousands of schools數以千計的學校, rules of schools學校的規例;但衹是一間學校的規例,school就不用加s, rules of the school, rules of a school。
如果y是不可數的(uncountable),例如school(在學校上課), 勉强可以寫rules of school,但寫school rules較好。


附帶提一提rules of schools的用法較少,用for或in較多。
There are rules for/in schools.
There are rules for/in a school.

2012-03-28 6:50 pm
1. 要睇下你指一間學校還是一般學校(不指定幾多間)
2. rules in school is better than rules of school

There are rules in the school. (指定是這間學校)
There are rules in schools (指所有學校)
2012-03-28 5:27 am
there are rules of school , because就冇羅7

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