1 integration Q

2012-03-27 1:43 am
Find the volume generated when an arc of the
curve of y=x³ rotates round the y-axis
between x=0 and x=2.

回答 (3)

2012-03-30 1:50 am
There's nothing in y=0以下既位 ...

2012-03-29 17:50:14 補充:
There's nothing in y=0以下既位...
2012-03-27 9:59 am
mfmartinfan :
我用disc method都係計到001既ans

2012-03-28 19:04:14 補充:
而y=0下面係計唔到= =
2012-03-27 5:28 am
For calculating volume, there are 2 methods,
"disc method" and "shell method". In this question, using "shell method" is better.
∫2πxy dx . . . (from 0 to 2)
= 2π∫x^4 dx
= (2/5)πx^5
= 64π/5 (unit^3)

2012-03-27 11:54:57 補充:
可能係啩, 我覺得題目係要求 "rotates round the y-axis between x=0 and x=2",
即係貼 x-axis 果 part, 你係講緊貼 y-axis 果 part 囉.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:35:29
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