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Lyan 音譯利安,係男性既英文名
LYAN is the most popular 27281.stname in USA. One in every 702,203 Americans isnamed LYAN. If we compare the popularity statistics of LYAN to USA'spopulation statistics, we can estimate that as of April.03.2012 thereare 448people named as LYAN in the United States and the number isincreasing by 4 people every year. Usage of lyan as a middle name is more common than its usage as afirst name. 「利安」是全美第二萬七千二百八十一個最多人使用的名字,每七十萬零二千二百零三個美國人中便有一位叫作「利安」。若我們將「利安」這名字與全美人口統計作比較,我們可以推算在二零一二年四月三日,美國共有四百四十八人名為「利安」,而且叫作「利安」的人每年將增加四名,大部分的人都以「利安」作為middle name,一些則用作first name。