How do I continue when no one loves me?

2012-03-24 11:16 pm
I had a bad childhood. My parents did not love me. I have been sick and injured when I was a kid and they didn't take me to the dr., etc .I have had two husbands, whom I loved, but they both left me because I was not a priority in their life (one was god, the other was running). I am all alone with my cat, who I think is the only living thing who loves me. I have been feeling depressed lately. How do I snap out of it and love myself for who I am?

回答 (5)

2012-03-24 11:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
take a vacation and join lol
2012-03-25 6:24 am
You stop feeling sorry for yourself and find people who need your help.
Go to volunteer at a soup kitchen, a hospital or nursing home, an animal shelter and help those who are hurting. You have gone through it and so can share your story and can be compassionate and a friend.
Doing good will show you that you are worth loving and you will love yourself for who you are....a good person.
2012-03-25 6:22 am
Love starts with yourself.. If you dont love you .. how is anyone else supposed to?

Surround yourself with friends.. talk to someone..

If you were going to say you dont have any... hmmm..

I would suggest you find a counselor in the local area.. the county can assist if you cant afford it..

I was married for 16 years to a very pretty woman but her emotional troubles ruined our relationship.. maybe some work with a person can help you settle past issues and open the door on a bright future ! good luck
2012-03-25 6:21 am
See a Psychologist. You sound so depressed, but with the right help you can overcome this. Even when you're feeling at your most down, try to imagine what your life will be like once you get through this.
參考: Been in therapy, and it's working :)
2012-03-25 6:37 am
1st thing you need to do is stop making yourself feel weak, because you're not. Second, you need to start back going to church. Give your heart to Jesus, and he'll help. You don't need people to be happy. All you need is Jesus. Tonight before you go to bed, Say your prayer like this; "In Jesus name I pray, I thank you heavenly father for always loving me, even when I haven't been good to you. Please give me the strength to deal with my problems. Uplift my soul, because I wanna give my heart to you Jesus." See just talk to him like you talking to me. Always start & end your prayer in Jesus name ok. You are beautiful, so start believing it ok. I wish you luck beautiful :)

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