
2012-03-25 2:57 am

1) 因為事件已過很久,事情細節已不太記得清楚了;
2) 投訴人的約期並不是本人約的;
3) 本人只負責當日投訴人的登記事宜,而登記過程都按一貫程序進行的;
4) 另外,當時本人已代表我們中心很坦白地向投訴人誠認我們的缺失並且致歉!

回答 (2)

2012-03-25 3:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
English Translation

1) 因為事件已過很久,事情細節已不太記得清楚了;
As the incident took place a long time ago, I do not remember quite clearly its details.
2) 投訴人的約期並不是本人約的;
The complainant's appointment was not made by me.
3) 本人只負責當日投訴人的登記事宜,而登記過程都按一貫程序進行的;
I was only responsible for registering the complainant's complain details on that day, and the registration was processed in accordance with established procedures.
4) 另外,當時本人已代表我們中心很坦白地向投訴人承認我們的缺失並且致歉!
Besides,I have then,on behalf of our centre, frankly admitted our shortcomings and apologised to the complainant.

2012-03-25 15:28:31 補充:
4) should be:
Besides,I had then,on behalf of our centre, frankly admitted our shortcomings and apologised to the complainant.
2012-03-25 4:10 am
Due the fact that theevent was an aged case, it is difficult to have a clear memory on the minordetail.

Thedate of appointment with the complainant was not made by me.

I was only responsible for the registration of the interview, and the registrationprocedure was carried out according to the standard procedure.
Besides, I had plainlyadmitted our our fault and made apology on the spot.
參考: Self

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