
2012-03-22 8:49 pm
請用英文講「人無遠慮 必有近憂」

回答 (7)

2012-03-23 2:45 pm
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這個句子,我把它看成是一個哲學家的慨嘆。它的主詞是【憂,慮,遠,近】,有點是像在說【人生不如意事常十之八九】的味道,不過孔子竟畢是一個積極的人,他的說法看起來有點消極,但他真正的意思是在說,【假如你不為明天憂慮,那明天到來,你必憂慮】。 就好像有時在這裡看到一些人明天要交作文,今天趕快來問。他不為明天憂慮,到明天他就要為不合格憂慮。所以這是慨嘆,也是警語,按這樣的解釋,我的翻譯是

Your future, you either worry now, or you worry then.

2012-03-23 06:54:36 補充:
我的解釋其實是有點接近 Toming 的看法,希望我沒有誤解他的翻譯。

2012-03-23 09:02:38 補充:
eicachan 的第二個解釋

(二) 較深入的是: 人沒有深遠的審察、思慮、謀劃,必然纏附禍患。
英文意譯 One should plan for the future, or else get run over by it.

亦和我的解釋相近,只是英文翻譯就離原文遠了一點,我的有 worry now 近憂 worry then 遠慮。比較貼原文。
2012-03-23 12:37 pm
人無遠慮必有近憂==People never weary about their future but not the risks confronted.
2012-03-23 5:02 am
The man without thought for the future will surely have trouble close at hand. [Chinese Proverb] 人無遠慮,必有近憂。(中國諺語)
2012-03-23 3:38 am
The man without thought for the future will surely have trouble close at hand. [Chinese Proverb]

~ from http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/etc/quiz/proverbs_4.htm
2012-03-23 2:41 am
An Idiom:-(in English)
It's going to be difficult to find the future but I'll make a plan now.

2012-03-23 12:27:26 補充:
To LamMing Choi,You are correct now.Whether short idiom for Eng reader,whetherAesop or not, whether worry now,worry then. Don't use run over but chance confronted.
2012-03-23 12:11 am
《論語·子罕》. 孔子說的「人無遠慮 必有近憂」意思有兩個說法。
字面的是: 人沒有長遠的考慮,必然會有近期的憂愁。
英文直譯 If a person lacks consideration for what is long off, he will indeed have worries before too long.
較深入的是: 人沒有深遠的審察、思慮、謀劃,必然纏附禍患。
英文意譯 One should plan for the future, or else get run over by it.
2012-03-22 10:22 pm
The man without thought for the future will surely have trouble close at hand.

Despite every man has little care of the future, he will surely has worries at present.


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