✔ 最佳答案
1.What room has no walls,no doors, no floors and no windows?MUSHROOM, VAROOM 2. What starts with 'T' ,ends with 'T' , and is full of 'T' ?TEAPOT, TEACART3. What can you catch but not throw ?BUS, TRAIN, COLD 4. How do you spell Hard Water in only three letters ?ICE, H2O5. What have legs but cannot walk ? TADPOLES, TABLES, CHAIRS
2012-03-21 05:52:18 補充:
Bad Apple above is right.
2 is the hard part in H2O. - This water is hard to make with 3 letters. The number 2 is used with 2 letters to make up the threesome.
2012-03-21 05:57:20 補充:
H20 is provided as a fun answer for riddle 4-"How do you spell Hard Water in only three letters ?"
2 is the hard part in H2O. - Water is hard to make with 3 letters. So the number 2 is used to make up the threesome.