✔ 最佳答案
1. While + V-ing ...結構︰when/while/once/if/unless/though+現在分詞說明︰當when,while,once,if,unless,though 等<副詞><連接詞>引導<副詞子句>時,若其<主詞>與<主要子句>相同,可保留該<副詞><連接詞>,其餘部分則化簡為<分詞片語>。 例子:
But that was of little use; they onlywondered at his cleverness in being able to fill his mouth even whilesinging.On stage, the three affect a flowingfemininity in elegant dresses even while singing lyricsthat challenge sexist stereotypes.The way to obtain great benefits evenwhile eating out2. whose是指前面 人的,並非指哪一個,所以不用which3. Slogan個You用大階,是Slogan的句子開始,開始一般是要大階,但現今潮流,再加上網絡使用,已不太計較了。 *給你參考 希望讓我做 最佳解答* [^_^]
參考: (Parts of them are forward from the internet)