
2012-03-20 2:01 am

回答 (2)

2012-03-20 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案

2012-03-20 19:27:04 補充:
係咁上下,你慢慢pracitice 下吧
2012-03-20 3:36 am
it depends on the sound you are producing, for example, if you are pronuncing sounds with tongue tip, (e.g. /s/ 絲), then your tongue shud be pressing against the back of your lower front teeth.

in cantonese, there are so called "懶音", in which people mix up /-n/ (eg. 鏟)& /-ng/(eg. 橙) sounds. for /-n/, the tongue tip should touch the back of the upper front teeth; for /-ng/, the tongue tip should Not touch the teeth but with tongue base retraction.

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