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halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
1) I want to know which one is better to be the firm and insurance,and I'll study sociology
>>如果我係你既話, 我會揀nottingham 同manchester, 因為呢2間大學, 係overall 黎講, 都係比loughborough 好一d, 同時, 係hk 既知名度亦大d 既, 咁對你黎hk 搵工會比較好, 你可以睇下以呢一個參考既網:
>> 可以見到loughborough 係比manchester 高少少, 但係細心一睇, 就會知道, overall 黎講, manchester 都係比loughborough 好, 只係因為student stat. 比前者低好多, 所以個overall 就拖低左了, 但因為student stat. 只好depends on 學生既, 所以如果一年, 冇咩學生summit 佢地既感言等等既話, 都會令到個分低左既 ((我果間大學個student stat)) 都係好低, 帶低左個overall, 但都係係hk 同英國有名的= =" 所以呢個可以俾你作參考.
>> 而邊個firm 邊個insurance 呢, 就要睇個offer, 邊個offer高一d 就放firm, 邊個低d 就可以放insurance, 如果唔係就冇左個意義. 但如果你好insist, 真係覺得果間大學既course 同其他野好吸引, 你可以放佢做firm 既, 但就會risky d 了.
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]