interested in / interest in

2012-03-19 6:00 am
The respondents expressed interest in the new product .

為什麼不是interested in ?

回答 (4)

2012-03-19 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The respondents expressed interest in the new product.

"The respondents" = subject of the sentence
"expressed" = transitive verb (i.e. must take on an object)
"interest in the new product" = noun phrase, the object of "expressed"

You can also replace the above noun phrase with a noun clause.
==> The respondents expressed that they were interested in the new product.
2012-03-20 4:37 am
2012-03-19 6:22 am
因為 interest 係noun ?!
2012-03-19 6:02 am
because not past test is present test

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:34:44
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