唐英年僭建, 曾蔭權貪污, 是否已經不了了之?

2012-03-19 5:21 am
他們還未坐監, 是否代表香港法治已死?

是否代表香港法律面前, 有錢有權有勢大晒, 可以隨便踐踏法律, 踐踏公義, 也不會有任何後果?

回答 (2)

2012-03-19 12:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
唐英年僭建, 曾蔭權貪污, 是否已經不了了之?絕對不會不了了之, 否則將有 7 佰萬人上街遊行抗爭.
謊唐貪曾兩個既檢查化驗報告未出, 正在排期覆診中, 路邊社資料覆診期
是安排 5 月 25 後.
2012-03-20 6:57 am
money and power are everything. dont be childish, they will not have punishment. wong yuk man, chan wai yip.............they just want make money. everybody are looing for money and power. no money+power no talk. you try to think, if top man wu s son who kill people in h.k. what will happened? i tell you 1-00% nothing happened. remember, this is china. tic ok.

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