
2012-03-18 9:38 pm

麻煩好心人詳盡解釋下佢grammar 既意思~~


1. )List some people who would be interested in the weather forecast
because of their work. (呢句我明白佢話有一些人佢地因為工作既關係, 係要關心天氣預測)

Why might you include builders,teachers and photographers? (甘呢段我就唔明佢might係想講咩意思~~ 成段又解咩?? 好似同上面段野扯唔上關係??)


2.) Warnings are given of any gales. (佢呢句個given係""已知""定係""給予""既意思)
我個人理解就係 呢個警告係一d已知既任何一個gales囉~~唔肯定岩唔岩??

3.) The information is given about the wind speeds and direction and the visibility in different areas. (呢句個given 我覺得係""給予""既意思..就唔係"已知或者特定""既意思....唔知我既理解岩唔岩呢??)




唔該 #001 回答者解答~~ 但我想知清楚佢個grammer ~~想詳盡d~~thank's

回答 (1)

2012-03-19 6:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 試列舉那類人由於工作緣因對氣象預報感到需要。
1a) 為甚麼你要將建築公司,教師及攝影師都包括在內呢?(因為天氣的好與壞會影響到他們的工作,例如天氣差影響建築,學校上課和拍攝照片等)
2) 當有任何強風勢時會發出天氣警告。
3) 這種預報是提供各區域的風速,風方向和能見度的資料。

2012-03-22 10:13:48 補充:
2 )Warnings are given & 3)Information is given都是由天文台提供的資料,所以都用被動形式同時省略了天文台。Warning are given by the Observatory of any gales; Information is given by Observatory about the wind speeds and direction and the visibility in different areas.

2012-03-22 10:13:49 補充:
2 )Warnings are given & 3)Information is given都是由天文台提供的資料,所以都用被動形式同時省略了天文台。Warning are given by the Observatory of any gales; Information is given by Observatory about the wind speeds and direction and the visibility in different areas.

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