Warning Letter

2012-03-18 8:17 am
需要用英文出一封warning letter 給同事,事件關於疏忽職守- 該同事早上負責開門給大廈清潔員工清潔 (早一小時),但早上回來後沒有看守大門,把大門打開任由清潔公司的清潔員工自由出入,自己就躲避在儲物室睡眠,直到有其他員工回來。

回答 (1)

2012-03-21 4:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Letter of Warning

Refer to the recent discovery of your resting in store room instead of cotrolling the access of cleaners from outsourcing vendor before office hours on dd-mm-yyyy, this is an official warning for the negligence in controlling the security of company.

Should there be any recurrence in negligence of duties, we may consider to take any disciplinary action.


2012-03-22 09:55:12 補充:
...instead of controlling...

Sorry for the typo.

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