maths orthocentre

2012-03-17 7:49 am

Let O be the origin. If the coordinates of the points A and B are ( 18 , − 24) and ( 18 , 24) respectively Find the x-coordinate of the orthocentre of ∆OAB.

回答 (1)

2012-03-17 8:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Slope of OB is 24/18 = 4/3

Let the x-coordinate of the orthocentre of ∆OAB is M(x,0)

The slope of AM = -3/4 and the equation is

y + 24 = (-3/4)(x - 18)

Sub. y = 0

24 = (-3/4)(x - 18)

-32 = x - 18

x = -14

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