
2012-03-16 11:19 pm
1) 我昨天見你的父親時,他正在工作。
2) 明天這個時候我正在與他在河邊散步。
3) 如果你明天中午來探訪我,我將正在吃午餐。
4) 明年今日我們將正在美國研究物理學。
5) 今晨你打電話給我時,我正與李小姐談話。

1) Your father had been working when I saw him.
2) I will have been taking a walk with him at this moment tomorrow.
3) I will have been having my lunch if you visit me at noon tomorrow.
4) We will have been reseraching physics in America one year later.
5) I had been talking with Miss Lee when you called me in the morning today.

1)When I saw your father yesterday, he was working.
2)I shall be taking a walk with him by the side of a river this time tomorrow.
3)I shall be having my lunch if you visit me at noon tomorrow.
4) We shall be studying physics in America this day next year.
5) I was talking with Miss Lee when you called me this morning.


回答 (3)

2012-03-17 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案

首先講過去完成進行式(past perfect continuous tense)的用法,是表示某個動作,從較早的過去繼續到較後的過去,如圖

   較早的過去     較後的過去      現在

如:Up to that time I had been watching TV.


現在再談未來完成進行時式(Future Perfect Continuous Tense)


人稱單純的未來意 志 未來說話者的意志主詞的意志第一身I shallI will ....I will....第二身You willYou shall...You will...第三身He willHe shallHe will



I shall have been working in this company for ten years by March next.(到明年三月,我將在這間公司工作十年了)

It will have been raining for 5 days by tomorrow.到明天將連續下雨5天了


談到某事,在將來某時間正發生著,我們會用未來進行式(Future Continuous Tense),如:

It will be raining about this time tomorrow.


2012-03-17 1:29 am
English grammar in translation

你的答案和標準答案有出入, 翻出來和原來的意思有不同程度的偏差或錯誤。看看下面和原文的比較,你應該會明白吧。(深色部份是原文有而你沒有翻譯的,字下面畫線的是原文沒有而你多加意思的。
1) Your father had been working when I saw him.當我見到他時,你父親已經正在工作。(原文:1) 我昨天見你的父親時,他正在工作。1)When I saw your father yesterday, he was working.)2) I will have been taking a walk with him at this time (moment) tomorrow.明天這個時間,我必定已經正在和他散步。(原文: 2) 明天這個時候我正在與他在河邊散步。2)I shall be taking a walk with him by the side of a river this time tomorrow.)
3) I will have been having my lunch if you visit me at noon tomorrow.如果你明天中午來探訪我,我必定已經正在用午餐。(原文: 3) 如果你明天中午來探訪我,我將正在吃午餐。3)I shall be having my lunch if you visit me at noon tomorrow.)
4) We will have been researching physics in America one year later.一年後我們必定已經正在美國研究物理。(原文: 4) 明年今日我們將正在美國研究物理學。4) We shall be studying physics in America this day next year.)
5) I had been talking with Miss Lee when you called me in the morning today
今天早上你打電話給我時,我已經正在和李小姐談話。(原文:5) 今晨你打電話給我時,我正與李小姐談話。5) I was talking with Miss Lee when you called me this morning. )
2012-03-17 12:12 am
It is sequence of tense,an unbroken sequence of events in sucession.
eg. shall be talking---shall be having---shall be studying (going)---are termed future continuous.
another eg. was working--saw, was talking (going)--called, are termed past continuous+simple past.
參考: grammar books

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