Nottingham U or Manchester,

2012-03-16 10:47 pm
I am offered conditioned offer in Account and Finance Course in Nottingham U, Lancaster U and Manchester U this year through UCAS. The requirement is highest for Lancaster then Manchester then Nottingham.
Which one is better? Manchester U ranked higher in Time Ranking but lower in Guardian and Independence Ranking. Also how to compare the three campuses?

回答 (1)

2012-03-18 5:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) Which one is better?

>> 如果係講緊ranking 既話, 我唔會太睇重, 因為ranking 呢一d 野年年都變野, 而且可信性亦唔係太高, 一年可以好top, 之後第2年, 就會冇咁好, 而每一間報社rank 一間學校既standard 都唔一樣, 所以唔可以咁睇, 要睇佢overall 係hk 既名氣同埋讀果一科好唔好先係最重要.

>> 如果我係你, 我會揀nottingham, 之後manchester ( 當然要睇下個offer 係咩啦), 如果我冇get 錯, offer for lancaster 係最高?

>> 因為lancaster 讀business 係ok 既, 但係佢既名氣係hk 唔算高, 比起man 同notting 既話, 就會比下去, 所以如果係揀firm 同insurance 既話, 我會揀man 同nottingham. 而至於邊一間行先, 邊一間行後, 會以佢個offer 黎決定, 高offer 既話, 就做firm, 而offer 低少少既做insurance. 咁會比較secure.

>> 而個campus 黎講呢, nottingham 就係全英國治安最差既, 所以你要有心理準備 (個crime rate 係最高), 但係個campus 就唔錯, 如果你唔係話成日係nottingham 附近周圍走, 就冇野既. 而manchester 就有china town, 出去買野食果d 就會比較方便. overall 黎講, 讀business 2間都係唔差既. 所以可以放佢地做firm 同insurance.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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