Favorite Dog videos youtube or other?

2012-03-15 9:32 pm
ok time for a lil fun around here.

Anyone have any new ore rediscovered favorite dog videos?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMEDCefyylw Because sometimes doing it the right way is boring
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEyyFKZssBU&feature=related Because selective hearing(skip to 2:30) is always and endearing trait during competition.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=028L6bZZSLo Forget air bud its Air cyclone
(don't worry neither the lil porkers nor the bandit coon were harmed)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buAV7ZJcyEA&feature=related And for the low low low price of $499 you too can have the secret to training your dobe to carry your purchases.

Steve: Actually Cyclone is a Catahoula. Same breed as the first two vids. Being earth bound and dealing with hogs and cattle only does get old you know ;) Raccoons and Squirrels need to get their fair share too.

回答 (12)

2012-03-15 11:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This video is a favorite because years ago a vet asked me if I would consider amputation as a surgical option for my Dobermann dog and I was undecided, but instinct was leaning towards no because of the body weight in the powerful forequarters and the quality of life for a three legged working group breed.

When I came across the video on Youtube which was real food for thought because the Dobermann was more active than I had thought possible.

2012-03-18 6:46 pm
this video is just awesome...have to watch it
2012-03-16 3:23 pm
I love this one,it always has and always will make me laugh:)

Very persistant girl.

Not about dogs but this one is a new favorite of mine.
2012-03-16 2:03 pm
Haha, great Question! I was going to ask this myself!

My favourite is an Ad, the Lab is adorable!:

This one is weird, but still cute!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OxH3uD5Rns

and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk2B8988ws0

Coco on youtube, both vids taken by my sister : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOau_Yt6k_w

I also love the whole * Mishka the talking dog series *

Gotta love funny dog videos!
2012-03-16 9:05 am

You can see the pup's drive at such a young age. Spectacular! I will be purchasing a pup from these breeders in the future.
2012-03-16 6:40 am

This is my all time favourite Utube video.
2012-03-16 6:19 am
2012-03-16 5:11 am
Haha cool videos......watch this one. The crazy dog coupled with the funky music cracks me and the kids up everytime......


......oh, i just found a REALLY cute one!

2012-03-16 4:58 am

I could watch this video every day.
2012-03-16 4:58 am
I have never seen a tree walking coon hound in action . First time for everything .

My mistake short film :) 2 of mine love chasing the Squirrels in my back yard , even caught a few had to stop them from having a snack couple times LOL .
2012-03-16 4:36 am

this video is cute, funny, and kinda sad! :)
2012-03-16 4:38 am
Check out ultimate dog tease!

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