租約期內的維修問題 (租客不願讓業主進入單位維修)

2012-03-15 10:52 pm
本人是業主, 租左間屋俾人, 屋內出現漏水情況, 已經第一時間安排師傳上單位視察並確定工程安排, 如今單位的滲漏情況已蔓延至隔離單位, 但租客不讓我們入屋維修, 原因怕是塵埃飛揚及難安排時間, 已經討論至安排工程後清潔,及縮短工程時間, 只想立即解決漏水問題, 其他大工程都待租客搬走才繼續進走, 但依然不讓我們入屋進行緊急維修, 阻止對隔離單位住客的影響。

佢哋租約將於一個月內(4月10)完約,理應佢哋沒有道理不讓我們進屋, 因租約也有例明該項條款 - 租客必須讓業主進行維修。

1. 我可否以立即計清租金, 要求租客搬離?
2. 假如滲漏最終因為租客延誤之維修而令隔離單位有損毀時向我們追討賠償, 租客是否都涉及責任, 亦需負責賠償?
2. 如何從法律入手, 解決上述問題? 那裡有比較相宜的法律咨詢?

只求可以盡快進行維修, 解決單位內漏水情況及對隔離單位住客的影響。


回答 (3)

2012-03-16 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
不論租約幾時完, 係生約定死約, 正如你所說, 租客係不可拒絕業主係已經預約的合理時間內派員到物業內進行維修工程的. 相信他總會有一晚在家的... 如是時間問題, 而你又希望盡快將問題解決, 可考慮讓租客提出一個日期時間讓你派人修理, 相信一星期內他總有半晚在家吧...計清租金, 要求租客搬離, 暫時我不覺得有這需要啦... 如果你要租客搬出, 你是要給他通知期的... 否則你就要賠錢了...法律咨詢方面, 可先考慮先預約區議員見面, 一般的區務他們都是清楚的.至於索償問題, 涉及責任成份. 如果業主已經盡能力安排維修, 而只是租客不配合. 租客已經違返租約了, 自然也應承擔責任, 但還是建議你先約見區議員吧
2012-03-16 1:47 am
1. Yes - based on the contract you mentioned.

2. Yes - but you still have the major liabilities.

3. I will not suggest you to go to the legal route, as it takes too much time, and it does not resolve your problem at all.

First - you have to make sure that your neighbor is aware of the situation, which you intend to fix it without delay, and the tenant is the one (so that the neighbor won't make a big trouble against you).

Second - be reason to the tenant. Let's the tenant knows that everything is ready. If then tenant chooses not to cooperate, you will seek any further damage against the tenant. (Usually, when the tenant knows that he or she may be liable, he or she will starting cooperating).

Third - not to renew the contract. Apparently, the tenant is making trouble out of you because of the ending the contract (an ordinary person will not make such scene if his or her home is in trouble). Since he or she uses it as a bargaining chip, is it still a good idea to work with him or her?

You have less than a month for the contract to the end. You go to the court now and making a big scene, it won't do anything good except wasting your time and money (and beside, the issue will be taken care by then anyway).
2012-03-16 1:24 am

2012-03-15 17:27:15 補充:
此乃為快狠準之方法.....封信還有個reserve 返閣下向租客索償既權利的效果

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