Physics stress/strain problem?

2012-03-12 11:37 pm
An amusement park ride consists of airplane-shaped cars attached to steel rods . Each rod has a length of 16.5m and a cross-sectional area of 7.80 cm^2.

How much is the rod stretched when the ride is at rest? (Assume that each car plus two people seated in it has a total weight of 1810N .)


When operating, the ride has a maximum angular speed of 8.0rev/min . How much is the rod stretched then?

回答 (1)

2012-03-14 8:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
dY = T*L/(A*E) where T = tension in rod = weight supported by rod, and E is Young's modulus for steel (200E9 Pa)

dY = 1800*16.5/(7.80E-4*200E9) = 0.00019 m = .019 cm

When rotating, the problem is to find T and substitute into the above equation:
a = centripetal acceleration
w = angular velocity, rad/sec = 8.0 rpm*2π/60 = .83776
g = gravitational acceleration = 9.8 m/s²
r = radius of revolution
L = length of rod = 16.5 m
Θ = angle of rod wrt the axis of rotation
The upper end of the rod is assumed to be attached at the axis of rotation.

a = r*w².....r = L*sinΘ.....→
1) a = w²*L*sinΘ
A vector diagram will show that

2) T = m*√[g² + w^4*L²*sin²Θ]
m*g = T*cosΘ
substituting from (2) and squaring,

g² = cos²Θ*[g² + w^4L²sin²Θ], which can be manipulated to

3) sinΘ = √[1 - g²/(w^4L²)]

Using the value for Θ in (2), T can be found.

I got T = 2138.78 N
dY = 0.000226 m = 0.026 cm

The case where the upper end of the rod is held at some distance Ro from the axis gives a more interesting requirement for getting Θ; email me if you're interested.......

Good problem......I'll record the results for future reference.

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