20點~~英文信, 回覆感謝信

2012-03-12 7:40 pm
收到外國客人寄來的感謝信, 感謝佢早前泥香港時我的接送照顧, 想回覆佢, 要比較formal, 謝謝

回答 (4)

2012-03-13 8:48 am
Dear XXX

Thank you for your letter. I am very pleased to have met you in Hong Kong. I hope it was a joyful experience to you.

You can always feel free to contact me again on your next trip to Hong Kong. I am looking forward to meeting you again in a not too distant future.

參考: AK :)
2012-03-12 11:07 pm


Your thank you (message/letter) is recevied with much appreciation. We(I) look forward to serving you againt.
2012-03-12 9:11 pm
Thank you for giving the opportunity to offer a hand. It has broadened my horizons. If you need any help in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me again. I will express your gratitude to my fellow classmates. Thank you.
參考: yahoo 知識
2012-03-12 9:05 pm
A Formal reply
Dear Sir,
------------Thank you for the news that you've arrived home safely.
------------I acknowledge your "Letter Of Thanks"with pleasure regarding the earlier visit HK for the service and warm reception; but I would point out that such a service would be normal and necessary for guests or visitors when they arrived.
------------I look forward with confidence to hearing from you for your next visit here when I'll arrange to meet you.
Yours faithfully,

2012-03-12 18:33:31 補充:
Received in appreciate

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