
2012-03-12 7:52 am

回答 (3)

2012-03-13 10:26 am
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Position and Movement (or direction)

We generally use "on" to talk about the positions of things – where they are; and "onto" to talk about movement or directions and destinations – where things are going.

The cat is on the roof again.
How does the cat get onto the roof?

She stood on the balcony.
She walked onto the balcony.

The food is on the table.
The waiter is putting the food onto the table.

After some verbs (e.g. throw, jump, push, put, fall) we can use both on and onto to talk about directional movement. We prefer onto when we think of the movement itself, and on we think more of the end of the movement – the place where somebody or something will be.

He was trying to throw his hat onto the roof.
Throw another log on the fire.

參考: Practical English Usage
2012-03-12 9:13 pm
onto: prep. 介係詞


到...之上; 向...之上
The cat jumped onto the chair. 貓跳到椅子上。
The boy climbed onto the roof top. 男孩爬到屋頂上。


【口】對...熟悉, 對...了解
It didn't take him long to get onto his new job. 他很快就熟悉了新工作。
The police are onto the robber's plans 警方對槍匪的計劃瞭若指掌。

1. 在...上
同義詞upon, attached, to, hung from
參考: yahoo 字典
2012-03-12 11:22 am
先看on ,看這裡。


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