Should I just give him up?? Gosh, I'm so confused!?

2012-03-10 11:08 am
We've know each other for like three years and through out these years, he has always been doing flirt-talking to me in front of all my frds and his frds. But strangely, when it is only me and him alone, he never talks in such way, our 1-1 conversation sounds nothing more than just normal frds. We two dined several times and i found that he actually told out frds that we two go dining together. So....I am actually suspecting that....perhaps he doesnt love me and he just tries to show off himself by means of me! Sigh.....what makes me so upset is that I found myself bit by bit attracted by him (omg! I just can't control it)

Well we do text each other on Facebook but not reli chit-chatting. I dunno whether he is trying to ignore me when I sent a birthday greeting to him, he didn't reply it until ONE month later! I am even more upset when he asked me YESTERDAY if the chocolate he gave me tasted good. But in fact....when he gave me the chocolate, it was last DECEMBER. Too many examples like this to mention. When I asked him to explain thèse unbelieveable delays, he gave me unbelievable answers like his Facebook account malfunctioning! At the same time, he apologized for these so-called delays and his sharing with others about our diner.

He begged me to forgive him all these and he told me that he actually cherish our frdship.

I am so confused now......what is on his mind!!!

Can anyone just give me some hints....

回答 (9)

2012-03-10 11:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
It could be a lot of things. He could be a typical guy who does not keep up on communication :P He could be showing off, or just being playful. Or he could really like you and around other people he is relaxed about flirting, but alone he is more shy.

The only way to find out for sure if he likes you in that way or not is to ask him. It's awful I know but trust me... you don't want to spend the next 2 years wondering only to be let down. Been there, done that. Just ask and get it over with.
參考: experience.
2016-12-13 6:02 pm
a valid reason can receive as to why maximum modern-day Christians do no longer stick to each and all of the regulations set interior the previous testomony. there's a concept called dispensationalism. At one element God gave a undeniable set of regulations for a particular era in time. After that particular quantity of time got here and went (the crucifixion of Jesus) theoretically lots of the previous testomony regulations have been "fulfilled". each and all of the sacrifices as an occasion are in Christian Theology a foreshadowing of the sacrifice of Christ. on the grounds that Christ artwork is done there is not any ought to sacrifice animals anymore. This makes entire experience to me on a consistency point. yet the place it gets somewhat murky is different such regulations that's rationalized that the regulation became into meant for occasion that they are impossible to stay as much as on the grounds that all men have sin. To stay via the spirit brings existence, as one ought to stay via the spirit of Christ, which brings grace from the punishment of no longer being waiting to stay as much as the regulation. this variety of is clever yet nevertheless theoretically attempt to stay via the regulation. in previous cases witches and heretics have been burned and there's a few justification via the previous testomony for such practices. The church has misplaced maximum of its capability so has grow to be greater placating of what's sparkling to maximum society as to that's ethical habit regarding such concerns. Now many Christians classify the regulation into 3 categories of Priestly, Civic, and ethical. The priestly and civic (particular to the lifestyle of the Jews on the time) are not to any extent further mandatory. the ethical besides the shown fact that should constantly be accompanied. there is a few debate as to which ought to be which, yet to a pair diploma could be obtrusive as what ought to be what. finally you're good there are some inconsistencies while it comprises fundamentalist Christian concept. besides the shown fact that this is probably not counted plenty as faith is an ever evolving cultural phenomenon. as long because it rather is heading contained in direction of being useful i do no longer think of the small print rely plenty. And in comparison the days of the Witch Trails, Inquisitions, Crusades, and so on, modern-day Christian have come an prolonged,,, long,,, long,,, way.
2012-03-10 12:54 pm
i agree with Sandy and the other person. about facebook, yes i too been through a lot of malfunctioning. and yes ask him instead guessing. about chocolate maybe he wanted to know or recall what was your reaction. maybe he short of memory lol. well whatever you do dont be so quick in dumping him. you been together for nearly 3 4 years. thats a good long time. well whatever you do but dont be hasty what if you find out you were too quick to take a wrong decision.
2012-03-10 11:33 am
I'm in this situation myself (see source). If you still have feelings for him, don't make yourself change them feelings. Try and reduce the amount of times you contact him (unless it's in person) via facebook or text because he could get the wrong idea and get fed up with you talking to him all the time. I texted my crush a lot for a couple of days and by the third day he started ignoring me and eventually texted me back using 1-2 words. I hope things work out for the both of us xx
參考: answer my question?:)
2012-03-10 11:21 am
slap him in the friendzone
2012-03-10 11:20 am
He is a show off and trying to boost his self image in eyes of his friends by boasting that he took you out on a date. You can never be sure of such kind of what other things, which didn't happen between you two, he might be spreading. It is best to keep a distance from such persons as they can not be trusted as friends at any stage in life.
2012-03-10 11:17 am
it sounds like he is all lovey when friends are around because its a show off thing it to me sounds like he just wants t be friends just act as friends
2012-03-10 11:16 am
To be honest, he sounds deceitful and devious to me and not altogether honest either. He`s ok for a friend now and again I would say, but not someone I would want to spend the rest of my life with.

The chocolate episode might tell you something (he`s mean) and it could have been some that someone have given him last december, so he just passed it on to you.
2012-03-10 11:13 am
Never gonna give you up
Never going to let you down

Umm I would drop it. If he's causing you this much stress and he's not even your boyfriend, imagine the stress he'll cause you if he becomes your boyfriend. It sounds like he is trying to use you to show off to friends. Is there another girl in your group? He might be trying to make her jealous.

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