We've know each other for like three years and through out these years, he has always been doing flirt-talking to me in front of all my frds and his frds. But strangely, when it is only me and him alone, he never talks in such way, our 1-1 conversation sounds nothing more than just normal frds. We two dined several times and i found that he actually told out frds that we two go dining together. So....I am actually suspecting that....perhaps he doesnt love me and he just tries to show off himself by means of me! Sigh.....what makes me so upset is that I found myself bit by bit attracted by him (omg! I just can't control it)
Well we do text each other on Facebook but not reli chit-chatting. I dunno whether he is trying to ignore me sometimes....like when I sent a birthday greeting to him, he didn't reply it until ONE month later! I am even more upset when he asked me YESTERDAY if the chocolate he gave me tasted good. But in fact....when he gave me the chocolate, it was last DECEMBER. Too many examples like this to mention. When I asked him to explain thèse unbelieveable delays, he gave me unbelievable answers like his Facebook account malfunctioning! At the same time, he apologized for these so-called delays and his sharing with others about our diner.
He begged me to forgive him all these and he told me that he actually cherish our frdship.
I am so confused now......what is on his mind!!!
Can anyone just give me some hints....