看手錶=watch watch??

2012-03-11 6:27 am

回答 (4)

2012-03-11 1:12 pm
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watch watch 當然 唔啱文法,根本唔會噉講。
除咗有時好似 去錶舖睇吓D手錶,用look at the watches,或者叫人睇吓你隻新錶,用look at my new watch, 睇手錶時間通常唔係噉講嘅。

Read the watch
例句: Small children learn to read the watch at school.小朋友喺學校學識睇錶
Read the time/Read the time off the watch
例句: Divers can read the elasped time off diver's watches.潛泳員可以喺潛水錶睇到過咗幾耐時間

2012-03-11 08:29:05 補充:
例句: Divers can read the elasped time off diver's watches.潛泳員可以喺潛水錶睇到過咗幾耐時間--打借字elasped係elapsed

2012-03-11 19:13:07 補充:
多謝樓下朋友,但你好似glance錯了,我上面對look at the watch的睇法是"睇手錶時間通常唔係噉講嘅",並非絕對唔啱。
如果要睇時間,冇錯係要look at the watch,但你話look at the watch,人哋唔一定明係睇時間, 而read the watch(解清楚睇隻錶嘅時間)就一定指睇時間。
glance at the watch係好快噉睇(快快看)隻錶, 最可能同 read the watch 一樣,用來講睇時間多D。
所以,樓主如果問嘅係單純看手錶,就好多講法,甚至 watch the watch 都啱了。

2012-03-11 19:52:44 補充:
幫我睇住隻貴錶-Help me watch this deluxe watch.
佢睇實隻新到潮錶- He looked at the newly arrived stylish watch.
睇咗D錶一眼- I glanced at the watches at the busy antique fair.

2012-03-13 06:23:53 補充:

2012-03-13 12:56:45 補充:
澄清在答案002的補充「多謝樓下朋友,但你好似glance錯了,我上面對look at the watch的睇法是"睇手錶時間通常唔係噉講嘅",並非絕對唔啱。」
請勿誤會我說glance at the watch是錯嘅。
我衹是說笑那位朋友睇得太快睇錯咗我話look at the watch喺絕對錯咋。
2012-03-13 2:08 pm
He glanced/looked at his watch.

Joseph glanced at his watch and saw that he was late. ~ from Macmillan Dictionary

I looked at my watch to see if I was late. ~ from Basic Newbury House Dictionary

2012-03-13 11:44:45 補充:
An example with picture:

“Or was it? I had glanced at my watch at the coffee stand about 5 minutes ago and it was 5:30 ...seemed lik an eternity ago. What gives?!
I glanced at my watch for a double check...5:40. “

2012-03-13 12:42 am
Please watch my watch for me.

所以watch tv其實很生動現實地表達人們看電視時被吸住注視。

2012-03-11 6:43 am
看手錶= look at the watch
如果你係想睇時間, see what time is it

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