
2012-03-09 5:54 pm
My sister is often crying nothing .

1. as還是for ?原因是什麼
2. [often crying nothing ] 是名詞片語嗎?

回答 (2)

2012-03-11 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
* My sister is often crying for nothing. =
=沒爲某件事(=無端端)而哭起來. " as " 不宜用在此句.

* My sister is often crying as raining. = 喊到像淚如雨下.


often crying for nothing. 是副詞片語.
(因crying是一行為去描述My sister.)

*例: My sister is a good girl.名詞片語.去形容My sister.

thanks for......=為了....而多謝.

thanks of......=of有關...你的...thanks幫忙, (我是非常感激的)


2012-03-10 17:50:00 補充:
thanks to.....=to向....某某....道謝.
2012-03-10 4:49 am
用cry for. 原因 cry for 是verbal phrase (cry to, cry out, cry over)
for nothing 也是 phrase, work for nothing,從什麼角度看

[often crying _ nothing ] 不是名詞片語. is crying 是 main verb,
part of main verb不可能 include在 noun phrase中, noun phrase是作subject, object or complement.

2012-03-10 01:24:56 補充:
thanks for 和 thanks of 不是一樣
He thanks her. (thanks - verb)
He left without a word of thanks. (thanks - noun)
“No, thanks.” (thanks - interjection)
Preposition after thanks:~ for, to
少用thanks of , Thanks of Congress, greatest thanks of all
of thanks 比較 common, a letter of thanks, a vote of thanks

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