請幫忙翻譯成英文, 謝..! 急 !

2012-03-09 5:10 am
你發給我們的樣品上的顏色號碼是WH0300, 但單上寫的是WC123 , 請確認給我司, 那個是正確 ? 謝

回答 (6)

2012-03-13 5:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The color code on the sample you sent us says WH0300 but the statement says it is WCL123, so please let us know which color code is right. Thanks.
2012-03-10 4:02 am
You to color in our sample number WH0300, but the single is written in WC123, please make sure to Division I, that is correct? Xie
參考: 網路
2012-03-10 1:52 am
You to color in our sample number WH0300, but the single is written in WC123, please make sure to Division I, that is correct?thanks,.
2012-03-09 7:32 pm
The sample you gave us the colour code number is WH0300, but the invoice shown WC123. Please confirm us which number is correct. Thanks.
2012-03-09 6:27 am
About the Sample you sent to us, the color code on the sample is WH0300, but according to the list it should be WC123, (please confirm the correct color with my boss), which of the color code is correct? thanks.


2012-03-09 6:12 am
You issue in our sample color number are WH0300, what but on the list writes is WC123, please confirm that takes charge of for me, that is correct? Thanking
參考: me

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