Do you value human life or animal life more?

2012-03-07 3:33 am
I, personally value animal life slightly more than human life. You never see animals kill others just for the fun of it. You never see animals hurt others out of jealousy. Animals love you for you. I don't like animal testing, people seem to think that testing on animals actually helps humans. It doesn't, half the time the medicine that works on animals doesn't even work on humans, even when testing on monkeys, which are the closest species to humans. It still won't work. So, why do you value animal/human life over animal/human life? I don't know if it's because most people's beliefs are that they think they are the image or jesus or god...or which ever person it is. I'm an atheist, so I don't know how the whole "religion" thing works. Thanks for answering C=
(I didn't know where to put this question, so sorry if it's in the wrong section)

回答 (33)

2012-03-07 5:18 am
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Humans are a type of animal. I assume you meant to ask, "Do you value the humans or non-human animals more?" For me, it depends on the human and non-human animal in question. For example, I value my cat more than some stranger.

Just being honest.
2012-03-07 3:56 am
great to know your not a sppeciest =) humans needs to earn some respect because modern day man is crazy. we think were better then any other species. its time to pull the animals up for now until humans can PROOVE we dont have to be so cruel to other beings then maybe we will value bothh lifes equally. untill then, i also say animals. they do nothing wrong to us.
2012-03-07 5:59 am
You've never seen a cat have a great deal of fun torturing a mouse to death, have you? Or a young silverback gorilla violently kick the old silverback's butt to win dominance over the group?

I'm a vegetarian and I care about animals, but I'm not naive. The animal kingdom can be a violent place to live, even if the other guy doesn't need you for food.

Anyway, I am an atheist myself, so the whole 'image of god' thing is meaningless to me to, but in the end when I really have to make a decision (do I pull the human or the dog out of the burning building, that kind of scenario) I will always choose the human.

So to me the life of another human is apparently more valuable than the life of an animal. I just think my TASTE (in the end the only reason I have to eat meat) is not worth more than the life of an animal.

PS I don't like the idea of animal testing any more than you do. But testing medication on animals actually DOES make a difference. If it didn't, we would have stopped wasting resources on animal testing a long time ago.

You are taking a VERY simplistic approach here. For instance I am currently pregnant. Without animal testing there would not be the current wealth of information available on which - usually pretty innocent - medications I shouldn't use right now. At least not without huge numbers of miscarriages and birth defects.
2012-03-07 3:35 am
I life is a life. The situation dictates action.
2012-03-07 4:23 pm
You are being incredibly naive & ignorant in your first 4 lines. Please educate yourself rather than rant nonsense

Whether i value human life or animal life is dictated by the situation, I would tend to err on the side of human life but for no biological reason of me being of the same species, merely that the interests & loss of a human would be of greater significance than an animal. In the scenario of a burning house (often used as a means of testing moral positions), i'd save the dog over a comatose patient, i'd save the dog over Hitler/child rapist etc.

These issues aren't as black & white as people like to think (something i ironically think in a fair bit)
參考: vegetarian going vegan majoring in biological sciences that utilses ethics (your animal testing claim is false)
2012-03-08 3:42 am
Vegetarian who values a human life more than an animal's.

And I'm Christian.
2016-08-09 4:34 am
I find it kind of scary when someone says they value their pet or an animal more then a human. i would just hate no one to care about me but even worse i would hate if someone killed me and not cared about my death even if they didnt know me. and didnt show up to my funeral. I think we should all care about each other unless we have a reason to not, like evil people murderers terrorists. they are definitely not the majority of the population. we are more capable of helping large amounts of species to survive and have a good life then any other animals, monkeys wouldnt take care of a large amount of cattle. I certainly value a human life over an animal. people that value animals more make me worry that they will kill people. they will kill butchers. I love meat so I really value butchers.
2016-05-18 2:06 am
Some vegans seem like they have this view but very few actually do. One of the reasons for this assumption may be that many vegans are against medical testing on animals that has the possibility to save humans. Another reason is that people may see vegans protesting animal neglect and abuse and ask themselves, "Why aren't they protesting the genocides that are happening?" I know some vegans and none value animal life over human life. The belief that vegans value animal life more is just an assumption made by people who don't take the time to understand vegans' viewpoints.
2016-02-17 4:04 pm
always a human(execot felons and criminals) over any other animals (especially animals who wanna start a fight
2014-07-28 11:50 am
I value both equally.
2012-03-07 4:57 pm
Some things are meant not to be fair! Put a human life one side of a balance and animal life on the other, do the math yourself!

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