麻煩幫我解釋這一句話~ Before calling...

2012-03-07 7:55 am

Before calling the function, set the member of the structure as appropriate to indicate which data structure is being passed to this function.

請問大家這個句子中的 as 它是什麼詞性後面可以接appropriate(adj)?
另外 which 這個子句是名詞子句嗎??

回答 (3)

2012-03-07 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
as appropriate 是英文固定慣用語,字面意思是「按照適合的情況」,看上下文可有很多不同譯法:「看情形」、「適當地」、「該怎麼做就怎麼做」等等。意思是說按照情形,選一種適當、可接受或正確的作法,所以這句解釋是:

Before calling the function, set the member of the structure as appropriate to indicate which data structure is being passed to this function.

as 在這裡是副詞。 as appropriate 是副詞片語。

which 引導的是名詞子句沒錯,做 indicate 的受詞。

2012-03-07 9:49 pm
在調用該函數之前, 設置合適以指示哪些資料結構正在傳遞給此函數的結構的成員。
2012-03-07 11:58 am
C++ allows overloading, thus makes this statement irrelevant.

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