I want to kill myself, but my life is great. Help?

2012-03-06 5:37 am
My life is great. Honestly, I have amazing friends, an amazing boyfriend, I am always having a good time and I love my life at the moment.
I don't think my life will ever be better than this. I used to be depressed all the time up until about two years ago, and than my life became amazing, but it's not gonna last.
I know right now I'm not gonna do anything with my life. I literally am
not good at anything. I hate kids so its not like I'd ever wanna raise a family, and I don't see myself doing anything in life but being miserable. I'm supposed to graduate thia may but I wont because I don't have enough credits because when I was depressed I failed a lot of classes so not graduating basically eliminates any success in life, and my parents are gonna kick me out as soon as I turn 18 so I'll have no where to go.
I'm honestly not even sure why I was put on this planet, I haven't done anything for anyone. I think I was just a mistake, they happen I guess.
But, I guess my question is should I just end it now while I'm still happy so I can at least die happy, or just wait.
Honestly the only thing That's really keeping me from doing it are my friends and boyfriend. I don't want to put them through that. I just I don't want to live but I'm trying to put them before me cause I care about them so much... I'm so conflicted and I don't know what to do.

回答 (7)

2012-03-06 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dont think about suicide, think how everyone you know will feel if you commited sucide, just focus on the important stuff like grades and if you want to be all religios then god doesnt make mistakes. I had to read about teen suicide rates and stuff like that and nobody wants those rates to go up, if you really need to talk to a tharapist
2012-03-06 5:39 am
Maybe see a Therapist or talk with friends or family about your feelings!
2012-03-06 5:38 am
My friend relax & pray.
2016-12-13 8:15 am
i think of a great form of human beings sense this type, some human beings greater in lots of cases than others. yet from what you're saying on your question it variety of feels as in case you have an prolonged life earlier than you and you're basically on the commencing up of a effectual occupation. there are lots of people who've it a techniques worse than you, this would not advise you may desire to be grateful by any potential, yet only try to locate the sturdy throughout the time of the undesirable. a sturdy occasion is Tupac's Rose that grew from concrete, or Talib Kweli's Gutter Rainbows. The gutter rainbows ingredient is that when Talib became a toddler living interior the "hood" he used to circulate out and play on the line, and while it might rain the rain water might mixture with the oil and pollutants interior the gutter, making a rainbow. while he became a toddler he used to look at those gutter rainbows and be like "wow that's appealing", besides the incontrovertible fact that this is made out of pollutants. i think of a sturdy ingredient for you may to locate a thank you to channel your thoughts, try enjoying an tool, exercising ordinary, interest, writing memories or perhaps writing lyrics. and that i individually have self belief that a great form of the time having a female buddy is fairly overvalued, majority of the time in case you could desire to stress or make your self to speak to them and stuff the relationship will come off fake and compelled basically to deliver approximately disaster. i don't think of that's some thing to stress approximately. desire a number of that stuff should help settle on your destiny. =]
2012-03-06 5:53 am
You dont know what you 're good for, but you have amazing fds.
I dont believe there is anybody in the world that is good for nothing though, just find your strength or what you truly love
But u got to do well in school first and foremost, if your grades were messed up, fix them. i'm sure you can
i was so messed up in my freshmen and sophomore and my early junior years too, i started to work hard until mid junior. I'm in college now, it may not be a good college, but it is a path for me to go
參考: am struggling in college riight now, but aint giving up that easily
2012-03-06 5:47 am
I lost my younger cousin Haylee this past spring due to suicide. This was the first time I had experienced true heartbreak in my life. I could literally feel my chest split in two. I spent months trying to figure out what I had missed what I had done wrong. Everyday I begged for her to come back to us. I know in my heart that she truly didn't understand that this was a PERMANENT solution to a very temporary feeling. I miss her everyday of my life and as I sit here looking at her picture I am begging you to not do it. If you need someone to talk to you can email me at [email protected]

Please! Don't!

1-800-SUICIDE 1-800-273-TALK
1-800-784-2433 1-800-273-8255
2012-03-06 5:45 am

this should help!

Do not kill your self Don't do that.

You are not a mistake do you here me? you are N O T! a mistake! no no no! 100% pure raw love doesn't make mistakes!

a car has many parts right? is the wiper more important then the gas pedal? is the door handle more important then the glove box? is the car seat more important then the radio?

each part of the car does it function.. so the same thing applies to humans..
you are NOT a mistake! (your a part)... a part of the human race.. a part..
and if you check out the link and accept Christ? then you'll be apart of Gods family! :)
參考: Life can be easy with help check out the link.

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