Afraid to speak my mind?

2012-03-06 5:27 am
i have problem.
i always been afraid to speak out, speaking with my close friends it's fine. But as far as people who i dont know and people i have not been very close with, i just cant speak what's on my mind... i am shy and always thinking about oh what would he think of me if i say this and say that... so i just dont say anything, i
am a very passionate dude, i love to talk. i have feeling about almost everything.
People who i dont know never take me seriously, like i'm so irrelevant
i am not trying to be a leader or what, but it sucks to be ignored by most of the people

any ideas?

回答 (4)

2012-03-06 10:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt.

But on the other hand, maybe you have low self-confidence- once you realize that you really do have something important to say, it will become easier to speak up.

Good Luck ~
2012-03-06 5:42 am
Yeah me too, i know how you feel, just talk to those who will listen to you and wait until you get to talk to others then they will listen to you too
參考: Personal experiance
2012-03-06 5:37 am
I do not know.
2012-03-06 5:37 am
Dude me too, but it's a lot better than saying something stupid, and having your reputation ruined for the rest of your life

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