F4 Chem: Volumetric Analysis

2012-03-06 6:27 am

-pure sulphuric acid
-sodium hydroxide pellet
-pure liquid ammonia

these three things are not suitable for preparing standard solution directly,


Before titration,the pipette and burette should be rinsed,
but how to rinse? Using water or the solution involved in the titration?


The end point of titration means what?


From the book,
when the titration is:

-strong acid - strong alkali,
methyl orange / phenolphthalein is a suitable indicator

-strong acid - weak alkali,
methyl orange is suitable.

-weak acid - strong alkali,
phenolphthalein is suitable.

But how to define the indicator is suitable or not?


回答 (2)

2012-03-06 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. (not too good at this part[stand. soln.]; if there are any mistake please point out)
H2SO4 -> absorb H2O
NaOH -> absorb CO2
NH3 -> volatile

rinse by the solution only
as you will wash the apparatus
water left will dilute the solution u put in it
=> rinse by solution => keep molarity (conc.

the point that u can observe the sharp colour change
=> usually already slightly acidic/alkaline
(we cannot recognize the equicalent point)

Methyl orange: change colour in pH 3-4 (only can be meet by strong acid
Phenolphthalein: change colour in pH 8-10 (only can be meet by strong alkaline
=>my method: if u have strong acid in the reaction => methyl orange is ok
+ if u have strong alkaline in the reaction => phenolphthalein is ok

u should know the mechanism first
in reaction
2NaOH + H2SO4 -> 2H2O + Na2SO4
there are 2 steps
1. H2SO4 + NaOH -> NaHSO4 + H2O
2. NaHSO4 + NaOH -> Na2SO4 + 2H2O
if there are excess H2SO4 -> not enough NaOH to form normal salt => mainly NaHSO4
if there are excess NaOH -> enough NaOH to form normal salt => mainly Na2SO4

2012-03-08 18:30:29 補充:
conical flask must not be rinsed by the solution!

the solution in conical flask can be calculated in this way...
Conc. x 25/1000 dm^3 = no of mole of substance in conical flask

if we use solution to rinse it
no. of mole will increase
the volume is no longer by 25cm^3 then

water only!

2012-03-15 22:39:56 補充:
thank you= =...
參考: self
2012-03-06 1:17 pm
NaOH can also absorb atmospheric CO2 readily.
NH3 is not volatile; it's a GAS at room conditions (which is readily liquefied by compression).

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