問如何擇寫以下英文電郵 (有自己認真嘗試寫)

2012-03-06 5:26 am
現在我需要問對方下一年XXX需要多租/少租XXX多少個,共多少元之類(不用問對方現時的XXX情況,只需問net addition)希望對方提供2013年XXX的預算租金給我們(需有詳細計算,即預算二月共多租30個XXX,少租10個,淨多租20個,平均租金10元,共200元。並需提醒對方AA的XXX自2013年一月,將不再有效或需升級。另外在電郵裡附上兩個附件,一個為對方上年為今年所做的預算;另一個為空白範本,讓對方填寫。
Would you please kindly provide us the forecast of additional XXX rental for 2013 with breakdown (by monthly)? Please note that AA's XXX may not be available starting from January 2013.
Attached are the reference template for input and the input received covering AOP of this current year for your reference.另外如果我想再註明預算租金需要by monthly給我們可以怎樣補充?或者上面說得不太清楚,因為XXX的existing的管理人是C這個人,但XXX要否繼續租用、需不需要新增,是D這個人,所以我現在是問D的net addition(當然大約一個租多少錢D會大約知道)

回答 (3)

2012-03-06 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Would you please kindly provide us the forecast of additional/deduction XXX rental for 2013 with breakdown (by monthly)?

Please note that AA's XXX may not be available starting from January 2013.
意思是有可能(may...)不行,但看似你是想通告對方「將會不可能」便要用will not be available...

Attached are the reference template for your input and the input received covering AOP of this current year for your reference.
Attached this year's AOP file for your reference and the template for you input as stated above.
2012-03-07 1:15 am
XXX 是什麼?AOP 是什麼?

2012-03-06 8:34 am
--------------Private and Confidential--------------
Dear Sirs,

--------------We have been asked by our AAxxx of (---------) to "D" to forward a forecast of (net addition) rental for 2013 with breakdown @ (30-10)x$10.00=$200.00 in which has enclosed last year template for your input reference covering AOP this current year,and for your next 2013 February rental input reference,to be returned to us.
---------------Note that AAxxx not available as from 2013 Jan.pending higher grade validation.
Yours faithfully,
(------------------------------& Co.)

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