請幫忙翻譯成英文, 謝...急急

2012-03-05 5:22 am
不好意思,因為我們的經理出了差, 所以今日才回覆,你請把aou123 款 的顏色改為 主色是 紫色 及 配色是白色. 另我們確認你們提供的label. 謝謝

回答 (8)

2012-03-05 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Embarrassed, because of our manager out, so today only reply you please aou123 models of color change in color is purple and the color is white. Another sure that you provide the label is. Thank you!
I wish I can help you
草莽英雄 上
參考: me
2012-03-09 5:41 am
Embarrassed, because our manager out, today only reply you please aou123 models of color change in color is purple and the color is white. Another sure that you provide the label is. Thank you
2012-03-07 6:28 am
Sorry, because our manager out.Today I reply you please aou123 models of color change in color is purple and the color is white. Another sure that you provide the label is. Thank you
參考: google
2012-03-05 2:15 pm
We are deeply regreted for the delay in reply till now because our manager had been out to work. Would you please kindly change the colour of style #aou123 to purple as base and white as background. In addition, we would like to confirm the label which you submitted to us. Thank you.
2012-03-05 10:09 am
I am sorry for the replying so late due to our manager was out.
Please change the main colour of type aou 123 to main purple and subsidiary white.
We confirm you with the label enclosed.
Thank you!
2012-03-05 6:23 am
I'm sorry, because our managers out of the bad, so this reply, and you changed the color of the aou123 main color scheme colors are purple and white. We confirm you with the label. Thank you
2012-03-05 6:18 am
Please accept my apology for the reply lately thanks to having business trip of my manager. I would like to switch the color of aou123 to purple principal, to white subsidiary, and firm up all labels furnished in one piece.
參考: Give me stars if you like~~~
2012-03-05 6:06 am
I am so sorry for that replying you so late, because our manager was out. Please change the main colour of type aou123 into purple and the harmonious colour into white. Also we have checked the label you gave. Thank you!

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