
2012-03-05 12:00 am
The woman goes to the liberary every Sunday as borrow some romatic novels.


回答 (5)

2012-03-05 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Correcting the mistakes

The woman goes to the liberary every Sunday as borrow some romatic novels.
1. Correcting wrong spellings
The woman goes to the liberary-X (library) every Sunday as borrow some romatic-X (romantic) novels.
2. Correction if AS在這裹作連接詞
The woman goes to the library every Sunday as she wants to borrow some romantic books.

3. Correction if AS is not used and to write in a simple sentence
The woman goes to the library every Sunday to borrow some romantic books.

2012-03-04 19:37:08 補充:
In Sentence 2, "as" is the conjunction(連接詞) joining "The woman goes to the library every Sunday" and "she wants to borrow some romantic books."
2012-03-08 10:38 am
(as she wants)=a clause related as such!!!
(to)=to-infinitive usage as such!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2012-03-05 3:24 am
The woman goes to the liberary every Sunday as borrow some romatic novels.

1. 串錯字
The woman goes to the (library) every Sunday as borrow some (romantic) novels.

2. AS 不能如題目這樣用,應該:
The woman goes to the library every Sunday (as she wants) to borrow some romantic books.

3. 如不使用 AS, 可以改成:
The woman goes to the library every Sunday (to) borrow some romantic books.
2012-03-05 2:34 am
support eicachan 的答案!!!
1. '因為' eg. I did not have lunch as I didn't have enough money. (我沒吃午飯因為我沒錢)
2. '當...的時候' eg. I spotted a 10-dollar note as I was walking on the street.(我在街上的時候找到一張10元紙幣)

你的那句中,woman goes to library及borrow romantic novels不是上述的關係,所以不能用as
順帶一提,as作'因為'用的時候後面要跟完整ge clause/to-infinitive
參考: 自己
2012-03-05 1:32 am


2012-03-04 17:48:36 補充:

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