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有志者事竟成==Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties。漢書
吃得苦中苦,方為人上人==If you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter。中國諺語
羅馬非一天建成的==Rome was not built in a day。赫渥特John Heywood
自信為成功的第一祕訣==Self-trust is the first secret of success。愛默生Emerson
亡羊補牢,未為晚也==It is never to late to mend。里特Charles Reade
好的開始,成功了一半==Well begun is half done。約翰雷John Ray
坐而言,起而行==It was no sooner said than done。中國諺語
人,正如錶,價值在其行動==A man,like a watch,is to be valued for his manner of going。賓恩Penn
知難行易==It is never too hard to accomplish。孫中山先生
失敗為成功之母==Failure is the master of success。中國諺語