How many times a year will $3000. worth of birth control?

2012-03-03 5:19 am
allow you to have sex? Ms Fluke says that's how much she spends wow I guess she is a slut.Then she wants someone else to pay for it.Let me tell you something If your out screwing and can't afford the Pill you best keep your legs together .

Fact is she is a slut with no shame.And ladies if you spend anywhere near that your a slut as well.

回答 (13)

2012-03-03 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's $5-$10 for a box of generics. If she is paying for law school, she can pay for birth control.
2012-03-03 5:21 am
You guys seem to be determined to get President Obama reelected.
2012-03-03 5:21 am
Obviously, you're too ignorant to know that you don't take the pill only when having sex. You have to take it everyday, all the time for it to work, even if you don't have ANY sex.
2012-03-03 5:21 am
I don't know where that figure came from. Generic contraceptives can be bought at Wal-Mart for $4 a month. (The most they cost is $27 for 3 months.)

For, $3,000 you can get 750 months worth of birth control. 62 years.
2012-03-03 5:22 am
gopers don't know that you have to take the pill every day.

walmart? under insurance coverage?

faux, how did you know that, you slut
2012-03-03 5:23 am
You can get pill birth control from Walmart for $5 a month. You do the math (Google it)
2012-03-03 5:26 am
Is your sister or your mother on the pill? Do you see where this is going don't you. So if you know any one using the pill, then they all must be you know what. Would you want some one calling your loved one a slut on TV, or the radio so your parents can hear it. And your supposed to be the party of morals. Friggen hypocrites.
2012-03-03 5:22 am
Hey I just get around.
2012-03-03 5:26 am
Ms Fluke said $3000 for three years. Did you catch that? That comes out to $83 per month. That may be a bit high but seems within reason and may include doctor bills. Without insurance help my pills for cholesterol and blood pressure cost more than $100 per month.
2012-03-03 5:25 am
What business is it of yours how much sex anybody is having ?

I don't want to pay for subsidies for sugar beets, so that means I get to decide what a farmer grows or doesn't grow.
If you can't make a living farming,then get a non union low wage no benefits job like a real American.
2012-03-03 5:24 am
If you are paying for medical insurance, why shouldn't you be able to get covered for legal pharmaceuticals? Because it hurts your feelings that someone is taking responsibility and doesn't want to get pregnant?

EDIT: Look at the con responder that thinks prescription birth control is $4 a month. Just amazing. Probably still living with Mom and never had a relationship... but let him listen to Limbaugh for a couple hours a day and he can spout his stupidity and feel like he is relevant, and knows what he is talking about.
2012-03-03 5:24 am
Once she graduates, IF she graduates, Heck I don't know about you, but I'd want an attorney that spent more time studying than they did fukking.

When she gets older and realizes what a tool she allowed herself to be, she will be devastated. Obama will not give a rat'sass.
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